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Ideus is a company which was established on June 21st 2011. From the very beginning of our business activity we’ve been working in a lighting industry. Our staff have previously worked for many years in leading Polish lighting companies. Our employees’ knowledge gained during master’s degree studies, but also doctoral and post-graduate studies at best universities in the country is combined with experience, passion and work commitment. We try to create a client-friendly firm by taking care of good relations, professional service and product availability. The scope of our offer is also dictated by client expectations. Currently we offer lighting goods of two reputable producers – Strühm company and Horoz company. What’s important, we are the only one representative of these two companies in Poland. Our customers can be confident of the quality of products they purchase. We want to run a business in such a manner that our customers’ decision to cooperate with us would not only be dictated by reason, i.e. based on the results of economic analysis, but also the heart.
The goal of Ideus is to provide products, both of a lighting industry and other sectors, which contribute to the market success of our clients. ‘Market success’ means to us these concepts which translate in a direct and indirect way into improvement of our customers’ economic results, especially:
an increase in market share,
attracting new customers,
sales growth,
improvement of gross margin realized on the sale,
an increase in customer confidence,
creating a positive image of the company.
In order to realize our firm’s mission, we make sure that our products, customer service and price policy fulfill customers’ expectations. It means that we commit ourselves to implementing quality management of service we render to our business partners and carrying out a continuous improvement process. Ideus implements its quality policy by:
- honesty towards customers and other business partners,
- diligent customer service,
- making sure that our deadlines are met,
- improving methods of communication with clients,
- extending our offer according to our customers’ needs,
- concern for compliance of offered products with binding regulations of the law,
- keeping up with the latest trends and analysing them,
- constant improvement of our employees’ qualifications and keeping a high level of their work commitment
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